About this Site

Tom and Mary Ellen At home in Quakertown PA

Tom and Mary Ellen At home in Quakertown PA

I am Tom’s oldest sister, Mary Ellen.   Tom died suddenly when he was out in Colorado Springs visiting me for a weekend in July while he was travelling for business.  We had dinner together on Friday evening where we caught up on what was happening in our lives.   On Saturday morning, July 28, 2012 we had breakfast at Rosie’s Diner in Monument and Tom decided he would like to go for a hike or a bike ride on one of the trails nearby.

He set off on a trail near the Air Force Academy at about 11:30 AM.   On his way home, Tom suffered a heart attack and was taken to Penrose Hospital in Colorado Springs.   The Emergency Room doctors were not able to revive him and he was declared dead at 2:34 in the afternoon that day.

For the last months of his life, Tom was truly excited and happy about what lay ahead for him.  He had a job that he loved and was excited about, a lovely home on Winona Lake in Indiana, friends and a family that cared deeply for him.

Tom always maintained a website in order to market his consulting business.  His profile for that business is still live on Google.  He loved technology and digitized many of his letters and photos.   I developed this site to maintain his legacy online, so that friends, colleagues and family could visit this site and remember Tom in life, rather than in death.

I have been given the great privilege of access his personal records and photos.  It is my intention here to paint a portrait of my brother so that those who knew him slightly will know him more deeply, and those who knew him well will always remember him.

Mary Ellen